About Us

Awe and wonder have powerfully affected me in so many ways. They add a lens through which I understand my faith more deeply and they inspire my love of science, especially astronomy. I believe that awe is a vital dimension of life, but one that is sadly lacking in many people’s experience. Without awe, life becomes flat; without wonder, people become hollow.
My goal is to help people stop long enough to discover experiences that elicit awe and wonder in them, and use their experiences to enrich and deepen everyday life. On this website, you will find resources I have found meaningful as well as some materials I have written.
Welcome Clergy Letter Project Members
Welcome Clergy Letter Project Members, For years, I have been sharing my passion for the importance of mystery, awe and wonder in faith and science, and indeed in all of life. I have maintained this website and added many resources through the years. I invite you to...
Jesus Is the Yes!
I have written a short praise song, entitled Jesus is the Yes!, based on 2 Corinthians 1:20. For much of the past two years, we used the refrain as a Gospel Acclamation verse at the Lutheran Church of Our Saviour, Greenville, South Carolina, where I served as Interim Pastor. Many members have told me that they enjoy it and find it meaningful.
I am offering this song, free of charge, to congregations and camps for use in worship and Christian Education settings through the end of 2020.
If you do choose to use it, my one stipulation is that you show (either in print in a bulletin, or on a projection slide) the copyright and also the phrase “Used by permission. All rights reserved.” Also, please contact me by email to let me know that you have used the song. I would appreciate any feedback you might have to offer.